Lot Line Disputes

Resolve real estate Lot disputes with our experienced lawyers
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Lot Line Dispute Attorney In Ventura, California

Lot Line Disputes

Lot line disputes, or neighbor disputes, typically involve adjacent owners of real estate regarding their boundary lines. Although it’s almost always best to resolve a dispute concerning your property and neighbors with polite communication and mutual agreement, some situations can escalate out of hand. In California, land is expensive; therefore, it’s reasonable and completely justifiable to fight to get the most out of your property in full. Our team of dedicated lawyers at the Law Offices of Ball & Yorke know this as well, and we want to help you reinforce the rights of your lot.

Contact Law Office of Ball & Yorke to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 805-642-5177

Taking legal action

With a population of over 40 million, the chances of getting caught up in the middle of a lot line dispute in California are increasingly high. In densely populated areas with smaller lot sizes, even a couple of inches of land can equal a great loss to your property. We suggest a survey at the start of any boundary dispute to ensure that property lines are professionally drawn out.

A metes and bounds description utilizes measurements of topographical and geographical features of the land, honing in on irregularly shaped parcels as “markers” to determine property borders.

A subdivision map description refers to a lot number within a subdivision, which are typically uniform in dimension.

Once you’ve drawn your property lines with professional help, we can provide knowledgeable legal counsel on your next steps.

Our Lawyers

The lawyers at the Law Offices of Ball & Yorke have extensive experience resolving lot line disputes. Whether you’re a victim of encroachment or are in need of assistance understanding property line and fence laws in the state, we want to help you achieve the full value of your property. We’ll bring you top-of-the-line legal representation and will strategically evaluate your matter for positive results.

Approaching lot line disputes

It can be difficult to know when to approach a lot line dispute. For one, the discomfort of living next to your opponent during trial and afterwards is a common reason why owners of property often let bygones be bygones. There comes a time when, however, when you may be asking: “Where should I draw the line?” What are my rights? How much is too much? These are questions that we can help with. Contact us today so that we can help ensure your property is in safe hands.

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