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Phone: 805-642-5177
1001 Partridge Drive
Suite 330
Ventura, California, 93010
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Unlawfully obstructing the free passage or use of public property so as to interfere with its comfortable enjoyment is detrimental to one’s relative enjoyment of parks, rivers, beaches, and the like. Further, when someone’s use of their own property is hindered or interfered with due to the actions of another party, this is called a private nuisance. It’s disruptive, it’s invasive, and it’s vexing to be a victim of others who engage in loud, offensive, or harmful activities; this puts your well-being in jeopardy. We understand your frustrations, and you are entitled to your right to enjoy public spaces and spaces that you own privately.
Contact Law Office of Ball & Yorke to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 805-642-5177
In California, the following examples provided are constituted as nuisances.

A nuisance that is considered injurious to the health includes waste, garbage, or other dangerous material. We want to keep your spaces comfortable and safe, away from hazardous manufacturing waste or disease-causing conditions.
Illegal sale of controlled substances is also considered a private nuisance, as a property that is used to sell illegal substances can present a hazard to neighboring property. Fire, as well as other hazards that come with drug manufacturing, pose very real threats to safety. We want to maintain the welfare of our California communities.
Preventing and obstructing use of property is also a nuisance, generally involving a physical barrier or other preventative method that renders a property owner unable to access or use their space.
At the Law Offices of Ball & Yorke, we’re ready to take your call. Contact us now to receive experienced legal counsel so that you can plan your next steps with confidence. Public and private nuisances can give rise to civil litigation and stop at-fault parties from further discomforting yourself and others.
Filing a lawsuit against an offending party can hold the group or individual accountable for their actions, while also prohibiting them from continuing to cause distress. If you have suffered a loss of value; exemplary damages where proven in a private nuisance action; or discomfort, stress, or annoyance, then you are entitled to case evaluation by one of the dedicated attorneys from the Law Offices of Ball & Yorke.
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